Opposites create each other. They feed each other and feed into each other. They’re compliments.
When opposites become too extreme, they turn into each other (they form a circle).
I’m referring to things of the mind: thoughts, ideas, the way and what we think.
We navigate to extremes and polar opposites out of default. The ends have more clearly defined shape and form, and preexisting thoughts for us to rely on. The area in between isn’t always clear; it’s complex and complicated. It requires our own minds to think and can’t be outsourced off to a group. This is what the individuation process is about.
Opposites that are unable to see themselves as compliments, sharing the same objective, breed hostility. Extreme thinking and hostile, tribal polarization are the result of conditioning, immaturity, separatism, and a lack of mindfulness.
Being mindful means being able to adapt and able to hold the complexity of the space between extremes, because the present is always changing and often contradictory.
I'd argue politics is largely driven by culture (not the other way around). Cultures form their own consciousness; have their own evolving complexes. The American complex is one that is always exploring what’s next but has been stuck in this hostile opposing-forces type of conditioned thinking.
But the macrocosm is the microcosm. We are that culture.
In both the individual human psyche and the collective consciousness, this is debilitating and prevents progress, forward momentum, and the self-awareness needed to change.
Several studies and surveys have shown that Americans actually agree on most topics (remember that next time you read the news or scroll your feed!). But most are stuck in the polarity of the system, othering other people, your own neighbor, unable to see the yin and yang for what it is and following prey to curated outrage and bait.
The astrology chart of the USA has an 8th house Sun & stellium and just completed a Pluto return: a country born to continuously reinvent itself and that transformation breeds from...stress.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. -John Adams
If you find yourself reading this and needing to know what my personal politics are to determine if you agree with this post, then this is a perfect example of this conditioning and hostility. We don’t know each other’s politics, but I can confirm I don't agree with you. Because we're separate people and I haven't outsourced my opinions to a group. Have you?
We're all individually here because we all have a different perspective and a different way to perceive reality. This is what continuously creates our complex system collectively. Our disagreements are why we’re all here.
-Susan Reis / The Cyclical Seed