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End-of-Life Emotional & Spiritual Care | NYC Death Doula

End-of-Life Emotional & Spiritual Care | NYC Death Doula

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Death can be overwhelming for both the dying and their loved ones, often leaving us skipping what really matters as we get caught up in logistics or lost in feelings of grief. I offer non-medical healing support during the dying process to fill in care gaps from traditional services.

Face death with compassion, honesty, preparedness, and a deeper understanding of its sacredness. From endings to new beginnings, death is the greatest spiritual lesson of letting go and the ultimate entrance into the mysteries. Enter with dignity and grace (and a companion).

End-of-Life Anticipation

death education, compassionate guidance, legacy work, relational and healing support, and support in navigating emotional, logistical, or spiritual challenges

Dying Companion

compassionate companionship, private education, mindful meditation guidance, reiki and energy work, emotional and spiritual care, bedside vigils

Grief Support

pre- and post-death grief work for loved ones and caregivers

Letting go.

Death is our greatest opportunity to heal and let go. We don't let go because we intellectually choose to, we let go because we open up through acceptance, empty out through compassion, and let ourselves become part of everything else.

Get in touch to learn more...

Vigil and ceremonial services are available in-person in NYC and all other services are available either in-person or anywhere virtually.

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"The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity."

– Seneca