Fate or free will is actually a silly question. Free from what or from whom? What are you seeking to be freed from? The question is often of more substance than the perceived answer. It's about the Battle of Wills; the essence of every spiritual and psychological pursuit.
This is a bit of a paradox but so is everything of real value.
What is fate? We are all born into something when we start our lives, we are born with a specific physical appearance, into a specific family, with specific traits, and have had specific & unique experiences, etc. This is fate, destiny, the luck of the draw, whatever label you choose for it. It would be foolish to ignore this. Most people don't actually deny this exists, that fate exists in this understanding, they'll just argue against it to direct their will somewhere else.
Understanding that some of the hardest parts of your life can be seen in your chart, "fated," is actually quite liberating. You can find grace for yourself knowing that you didn't do anything wrong and that those moments will lead you to your greatest evolutionary steps. Other moments or encounters that seem fated can be immensely powerful and joyful - the blissful feeling of living in alignment.
Many scientific perspectives argue in favor of predetermined, noting that everything is predetermined other than random quantum jumps that can't be influenced by us or otherwise, by definition, they wouldn't be random. But this theory only proves the interconnectedness of all things. And, perhaps more importantly, who is doing the determining?
What is free will? If you know yourself well enough, then you can catch yourself in the present moment and in the present moment you will always present yourself with new options and new possibilities. This space can be understood as "free will." This is where you consciously choose how you react to the world. Free will is how you respond to your karma (karma as in cause & effect, not a form of punishment). Free will is the space between life happening and your response.
Three thousand realms in a single moment of life.
-The Lotus Sutra
- What does my heart want?
- Is this or that what I really want or do I just think I want that because everyone else does? Do I really want it right now or do I just think I do because society said this is the age I should have it?
- What patterns do I keep repeating, big or small, and what can I learn from them?
- What tools help me find the mental space before my reaction, so I can consciously choose how I want to respond?
- Where am I putting my energy and what are my intentions? What's the distance between them?
- Have I accepted that I am part of nature, so nature's cycles apply to me too?
Most of the events, people, or circumstances in our lives that give us a feeling of fate or destiny are not actually fate in our understanding of the word. They are more like memories.
-susan reis / the cyclical seed