Cosmos, healing, and consciousness
Beyond the veil and into the heart.
Welcome, I'm Susan Reis
I integrate astrology, somatic trauma healing, contemplation, and spiritual psychology to help you be unafraid of the human experience and endlessly self-transform.
Repressed emotions, suppressed authenticity, trauma, or chronic stress block us from our own spirit and infinite reservoir of healing and knowing. This relinquishes our power to the unconscious and to the past, spinning us around a wheel at the behest of only parts of who we truly are. But the more awareness we have of the limiting patterns of the living systems within and around us, the more we can liberate ourselves from them.
Through heart-mind coherence, compassionate presence, and our own wisdom at the root of our being, we can unravel the mind, body, and emotional cycles that bind us, opening up to intimate connections to ourselves, others, and to life. Peeling through all the layers, you can connect to your own inner knowing and to the bigger picture. Then let what you find there pour out into every part of your life.
Heal through mind and body. Be through heart and spirit.
Integrative Healing & Growth Container
Through a series of sessions together, we'll integrate all of my modalities and go deeper. This is true holistic mind, body, soul/heart, and spirit exploration across personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of healing (self, relational, and spiritual).
The answer to your question is to wonder who's asking.
Intuition is your highest form of knowledge.
I also offer end-of-life non-medical care. I'd be honored to help with navigating end-of-life, compassionate death and dying companionship, spiritual and emotional guidance, and bedside vigils. Face death with compassion and honesty, and enter into the mysteries with dignity and grace.